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How to Produce the Perfect Cup of Coffee

How to Produce the Perfect Cup of Coffee

It is one thing knowing how coffee is processed, and another thing to know how to produce the perfect cup of coffee.

The first sip of coffee kissing the tongue and swirling its way in the mouth before gracefully flowing down the throat - this is the definition of joy in the morning. And every coffee enthusiast knows this feeling.

You can read our previous post on Get to know the World’s Most Expensive Coffee: Kopi Luwak
The first cup of coffee in the day is very important for any coffee lover. That is why it must be done more than just right - it must be done perfectly. And this article will show you just how. But first of all, let’s take a look at some important facts.

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  • The darker the beans are roasted, the more the caffeine content.
  • Caffeine is not mainly responsible for the bitter taste in coffee. Instead, the main culprits are antioxidants.
  • Decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine, only significantly less.
  • Regularly drinking the right amounts of coffee may lower the risk of colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, as well as support the liver.

Global Coffee Production

If you have ever asked yourself, which country produce coffee in the world or which countries produce coffee and chocolate, the answers will almost always be the same – Brazil, Ethiopia, and Columbia.

This is because geographically, the countries that produce the beans have the exact same climate requirements as countries that produce chocolate (cocoa beans). But amongst all countries, let’s find out which country produce more coffee in terms of volume. The answer has got to be Brazil. With its 40% contribution to the total worldwide coffee supply, Brazil takes the title of the largest coffee produce country of the world.

The higher the grade, the higher the price tag, but thankfully CoffeeGram brings you high-grade coffee products and services at discounted prices.

Producing Your Perfect Cup Of Coffee

The first step is to measure your coffee to an approximate of two tablespoons to six ounces of water. You can add extra beans if you want. Next step is to grind your beans. Use finer roast for the less bitter taste, and coarse grind if you prefer it much bitter. Then prepare your water. It would be best if you did this last. Choose the right temperature you want, then pour from the filter and let it sit after boiling.

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CoffeGram-Get to know how coffee is produced

After 30 seconds, add your coffee to the filter. Let the water absorb the coffee for about 30 seconds before you start stirring gently. Then plunge - this is a simple push-through of the filter all the way to the bottom. Do it gently to avoid a splash, or worse, breaking your machine. Now pour. Be careful, though, the flavour of the coffee will change a little as it cools down. Thus, the taste, when it is very hot, will not be the same after a few minutes.

Getting The Right Roast

Most coffee experts believe that the best-flavoured coffee is achieved five days after roasting. This means that if you desire a heightened coffee experience, you need to ask some questions (to your supplier) about when it was roasted and where.

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Coffeegram.com - Getting The Right Roast

However, there are still a lot of coffee brands that maintain a fairly consistent level of taste, even up to a month after roasting. Take time to observe how your coffee pours in a cup. Do you see a slight bubble of foam at the surface? If you don’t, then you probably waited too long to purchase your coffee.

You can read our previous post on Get to know the World’s Most Expensive Coffee: Kopi Luwak

When it comes to how to produce instant coffee, the temperature, and quality of the water you use will also determine how rich your coffee will be in terms of taste and flavour. Generally, the higher the water temperature, the richer the flavour and the lesser the bitterness. Makes sense? The quality of the water has to do with the number of minerals available in the water. The fewer the minerals contained in the water, the better the taste of the coffee will be.

To produce coffee chose your Grinder

All grinds are not the same. And when it comes to making the perfect cup of coffee, there is nothing like one grind size for all. But honestly, what can be termed as the right grind has almost everything to do with your taste and preference. A finer grind produces very fine and smaller particles making enough room for the water to extract the full flavour of the coffee. A coarse grind will result in a cup of coffee with a punch of caffeine easily comparable to that of a heavyweight boxer. This also affects the levels of the bitterness of the coffee. Also, ensure that your coffee grinder is cleaned after each use. This will help ensure that you do not mix coffee grinds, as this will affect the taste of your coffee.

The Brew Methods

One of the main determinants of how your coffee will end up is what you use to pour.

A pour-over tool such as a Chemex produces a cup of coffee that looks silky smooth and lighter. This is the most preferred method if the brand of coffee you use comes with floral or citrus notes. This kind of filter produces coffee that is not overexposed to water, and as a result, less bitter. A filter such as a French Press will produce a cup of coffee that appears a little more full-bodied and oily.

Coffee and Your Health

The essentials of a good conversation.

Many regular coffee drinkers make health-related enquiries about the benefits or disadvantages of coffee for their health. These questions include: does coffee produce insulin, and does coffee produce gas? Other common health concerns are, does coffee produce heat in the body, and does coffee produce kidney stones? It is best to speak with a medical professional or a qualified nutritionist to get definite answers to these types of enquiries.

CoffeeGram brings the rarest speciality coffee sourced from around the world, right to your doorstep.

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